
Sorry, I’ve been naughty and not posted anything in a fairly long while.

Well, crashed a drone. Then crashed (REALLY crashed) my spare one–right into the side of a factory I was doing a production shoot at.

Drone crash

Had to go with plan B and climb up a water tower ladder to get an overview shot of the factory.

Put my NX30 in the ‘poacher’s pocket’ of my standard issue English wax vest. Took the handle off the X70 and put my belt through its hand strap and climbed on up.

That’s run ‘n gun for you.

Maybe I should do a post about that sort of thing.

No wait. I just did.


4 responses

  1. Hi, Joe, sorry about the crashes. Whilst I am on can you answer the question as a PXW-X70 owner. My outside white balance setting seems more accurate for indoor and vice versa. Am I missing something.


    • You sure you’re not in ‘auto’? You have to put it in manual to independently control color temp. When in manual check the various white balance settings in the menu. There are about 4 that can each be individually set. Make sure they’re what you want.The straight INDOOR and OUTDOOR ones are 32K and 56K respectively. But you can manually set it for a given condition and if you’ve left one of those wrongly set, you’ll get undesirable results.


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