Free Book Offer: Run ‘n Gun Videography–The Lone Shooter’s Survival Guide

Run 'n Gun Videography

I’ve decided to enrol in KDP Select which gives me some promotional options including making the book available for FREE for 5 days.

So that’s what I’m going to do.

I’m doing it for two reasons.

  1. I’m locked into KDP select for 90 days during which period the book can only be available on Kindle. So that gives me a sort of deadline for making the book available in soft cover and putting it on other platforms. I can’t promise it, but it’s a good target for me because I’m going to be pretty busy before then anyway. Plan is to update it and make it available in hardcover next fall.
  2. Though the book has sold a few hundreds copies, it’s only gotten about a little over 30 reviews between the UK and US markets. They’re all good reviews, but I’d like to see a lot more reviews.

The Free Download Offer is NOW LIVE on Amazon and runs through Sunday.

I hope that most of my subscribers here who don’t have it yet will take the opportunity to download it.

In exchange I have a humble request: Please review it on the Amazon page once you’ve read it.

US Amazon Link

UK Amazon Link

Available world wide.

8 responses

  1. Hey Joe, so after the 90 days.. Is there a chance I can buy it one iTunes? 😉 Because I really want to buy the book. I live in the Netherlands and do have a creditcard so Amazon is not really an option. Anyway, I like your vision on filmmaking!


    • Mike, the book was published a year and a half ago. I hope you found the £5 worthwhile. This is simply an Amazon promotion and I’m alerting subscribers to this blog about. The only way an ebook gets traction is by people posting reviews. Since only a fraction did bother, I’m throwing it out to all those who hang around waiting for ‘free’ deals advertised on the Kindle site with hopes of upping the numbers through engagement. It’s only 5 days. If a hundred people download it and only 20% review it, that will almost double the reviews in the 18 months to date. Anyway, I’m sure the few hundred who did buy it to date aren’t expecting to be refunded now. Otherwise, why bother writing it?


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